<h2>SAFETY AND SPEED</h2><p>We validly transport and in time…</p> <h2>COMPLETED SOLUTION</h2><p>Transport now with the key in the hand…</p> <h2>ECONOMICALLY</h2><p>Our prices are unique…</p>
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The Transports Company Ntotsias resides from 198 in Karditsa Aisop 12 and has years in the field of transports. We are years in the field of transports and our company has gained the respect with the quality of our services.

The speed, the safety but also our prices are combination that does not leave doubts for our first lead in the space of transports.

We undertake each type of transport, general transports but also special transports. We have rich private fleet in order to realize each type of transport in the land. Also for special transports we have tipper truck.

Our prices are beyond competition and we make offers that you can’t deny. We work with all the national network and also international. We specialize ourselves in the transports of land.

We validly transport and in time…

National and International Transports
Karditsa Aisop 12
pho. 6936674724, 6980160412whats' up